Shampoo Anti-Dandruff 200ml
Suitable for flaky scalp conditions.
Minimum order:
Lead time:
2 weeks
Plus points:
Helps promote penetrability of skin and hair to absorb nutrients and moisturizers. Natural cleanser. Helps protect elasticity. Aloe is bacteria, fungus, virus and parasite unfriendly.
R 61
each incl VAT
Gently brush hair to remove dirt, tangles and dead cells. Wash hair twice with a little shampoo. Gently massage scalp. Harsh rubbing stretches hair. Rinse until water is clear. Squeeze-dry hair with a towel. Apply conditioner and comb through hair. (Avoid contact with scalp if hair is oily.) Rinse well with lukewarm water and dry gently. Gently massage Bitter Aloe Gel/Super Aloe Gel into scalp. It absorbs excess oil. Do not rinse.
Sound advice:
Use together with Nutri Hair capsules, Omega Oils and Whole-leaf Aloe Juice. Style hair with Super Aloe Gel.
Please note:
We are not recommending that you use our products as a substitute for medication prescribed by your health care provider or medical doctor. If you have any medical condition that might be affected by the use of aloe based products or any of the other ingredients contained in our products, we recommend that you speak to your doctor first.